(This is the first installment in a three-part series looking at the memoir written by the Ethiopian intellectual, freedom fighter and opposition politician, Andargachew Tsige.) Andargachew Tsigie and Meles Zenawi became friends- or more precisely, card-playing partners – one Christmas break…

Peter Gill, in his book, Ethiopia and Foreigners: Ethiopia since the Live Aid (Oxford University Press, 2010), discussing the political chaos that followed in the wake of the 2005 election, which, among other things, led to the fragmentation of a…
Interview with Gérard Prunier (part II)

In the first instalment of a two-part interview held in mid-April, Gérard Prunier graciously shared memories and insights about the circumstances of his first arrival in Ethiopia towards the end of Emperor Haile Selassie’s reign in 1973, travelling overland from Tanzania,…
Aregawi Berhe -The return of a political survivor

A founding member of TPLF strives to maintain his political career Homecoming for the opposition leader and head of Tigray Democratic Coalition Party (TAND), Aregawi Berhe was not about spending some relaxation time with his family. His return to Ethiopia…