Getachew Assefa, the former director of the National Intelligence and Security Services, whose future seemed precarious for some time, has managed to retain his position as member of the political bureau of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the EPRDF’s executive…
Grand Renaissance Dam in deep water

 MeTEC under fire  for causing delays and extra costs Salini’s delay claim adds to GERD crisis Remaining work outsourced to Alstom & Voith The construction of the massive Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) along the Nile, a project treated as…

Girma Birru, former Ethiopia’s ambassador to the United States, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation’s (EEPCo) Board of Directors, replacing Debretsion Gebremichael who has been named as deputy head of the Tigray region, according…