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Vanishing Addis

When I left a few weeks ago, I noticed that some things hadn’t changed in Addis Ababa: old cars still spewed diesel fumes, the traffic was as bad as ever, and the jams were unbelievably long. The traffic was so…
Between the hammer and the anvil: Jawar’s interview

While I found many interesting and thought-provoking points in Jawar’s interview, I could not dismiss the uneasiness I felt throughout my reading. At first, I couldn’t pinpoint the reason for the uneasiness, but as my reading advanced, it gradually surfaced.…
The Emperor’s triumphant return to Addis Ababa

A small, frail figure with a piercing gaze, Emperor Haile Selassie stood firm against the advance of Mussolini’s Fascist troops. As Italy invaded Ethiopia, the only independent black state to survive the scramble for Africa, the emperor rallied support for…