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Lake Ziway and Abiyata: Troubled waters Bayush Sisay is not sure how long she will keep on working on. Her income from the small restaurant trade by which she supports her three children has greatly decreased. The 36-year-old-woman earns her…
Five killed in ethnic violence in Benshangul region

The Amhara region says 5 civilians have been shot dead by armed men in Benshangul-Gumuz region Armed ethnic Gumuz has killed five ethnic Amhara and injured four others in Benshangul-Gumuz, where ethnic violence cost hundreds of lives this year, a…
What has patience got to do with it?

Government need to demonstrate that it doesn’t tolerate wrong doing   The response Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed gives to the question why his administration has failed to ensure a rule of law is most perplexing and also riddled with a…