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The Price of complacency

A shocked public has been grasping for answers to what could have driven Saturday’s appalling attacks in Amhara’s regional capital of Bahir Dar and in Addis Ababa. All sorts of rumours are flying, some of which continue to be believed…
Don’t call it a coup

The chief of staff of Ethiopia’s army, the president of Amhara region and two other senior officials, another retired general have been shot dead over two separate attacks in what the prime minister’s office branded as “an orchestrated coup attempt.”…
President of the Amhara region killed

The chief of staff of the army, Gen Seare Mekonnen, has been shot dead The Amhara Mass Media reported that president of the Amhara regional state Ambachew Mekonnen and the region’s goverment advisor Ezez Wassie had been killed. Both were…

Government says situation under control Press Secretary at the Prime Minister Office Nigussu Tilahun says there was an attempted coup in Amhara regional state on late Saturday. He says a “well-organized group” has attempted to overthrow the regional government but…

The campaign for Sidama autonomy, which has been going on for some years, gained momentum when the Zone Administration in Hawassa voted for statehood a year ago.  However, the tactics employed by the elites to exert pressure for the cause…

Frédéric Garnier, 72, is a retired French dentist who lives in the suburbs of Paris, Chantilly-Gouvieux. He spent the early parts of his life in the eastern town of Ethiopia, Dire Dawa, where his father was working for the Djibouti-Addis…