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Awash Arba : A site of unparalleled notoriety

We have heard a lot about the Central Prison in Addis Ababa, where numerous human rights abuses have taken place in recent decades. Countless terrifying stories also emerged from the Ogaden Jail. However, relatively little has been said about the…
A rising female artist with exciting new tunes

The Ethiopian singer Yemariam “Yema” Chernet has a gentle voice with a steely core, crafting an intimately forceful style and a lush feel that’s revealed on her debut album “Yedega Sew”. Based in Addis Ababa, Yema adeptly bridges the traditional…
አስፋው ዳምጤ የመንግስቱ ለማ ስራዎችን በተመለከተ

በአንጋፋው ደራሲ ሃያሲና የኢኮኖሚ ባለሙያ አስፋው ዳምጤ የተሰናዳው “የአማርኛ ጥበበ ቃላት ቅኝት” የተሰኘ መፅሐፍ፣ ሐምሌ 2015 ላይ በሁሴን ከድር አሰናኝነት ታትሟል ፡፡ መፅሐፉ፤ የመቶ ዓመት የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ የስነ ጽሁፍ ታሪክን የሚተነትን  ሲሆን የሚከተለው ከመጽሐፉ የተወሰደ ነው ፡፡ “በ1950ዎች አዳዲስ ደራስያን መነሳታቸውንና…