Category: Poetry Corner
Kebedech Tekleab is an Ethiopian painter, sculptor, and poet based in New York. She was born and raised in Addis Ababa and because of her militant student activities during the period of Derg, she was forced to flee her country in…
ውል አልነበረንም የፍቅር ቀጠሮቃልም አላኖርንም በወግ ተቀምሮ፤እኔ አንቺን እንዳላይአንቺ እኔን እንዳታይ አምባችን ተቃጽሮዕጣችን ተካሮ፤ቀለምሽ ከዐይኔ አሻራሽ ከጣቴ ባይጠፋ ተማትሮ(እትብት እምብርት ሁኖ እንዲኖር ደድሮ) ይኸው አካሄደን በድንገት ዘንድሮ። የገጽሽ ብርሃን ቢጠይም ፀዳሉ ድምፅሽ ቢቀጥንብኝ ቢሠልብኝ ቃሉወዘናሽ ቢማስን ዛሬ ያለውሉበእጆችሽ ጨበጠኝ ሐዘንሽ…
You’re a miser, God, coveting what you give. You lend us beauty, but never long to live. Within your world we know death everywhere. but meet it as a stranger unaware. The lovely flower that September saw in hardly anytime…
ዕውቁና ተወዳጁ ባለቅኔ ዮሐንስ አድማሱ በኢትዮጵያ ሥነ ጽሑፍ ታሪክ ታላቅ አስተዋጽኦ ያበረከተ ገጣሚ እና ሃያሲ የነበረ ሲሆን በ1960ዎቹ በተደረገው የተማሪዎች የተቃውሞ እንቅስቃሴ ወቅት ግምባር ቀደም በመሆን ከታገሉት አንዱ ነው።በደብረሊባኖስ መስከረም 29 ቀን 1929 ዓ.ም የተወለደው ዮሐንስ በአፍላ እድሜው በ1952 ዓ.ም ዩኒቨርሲቲ…
Captain Afework Yohannes (1927-1980) was an Ethiopian journalist, radio presenter, and lyric writer known for his short stories, plays, and reporting on scientific topics. He was particularly known for his lyrical poems and songs of love, which found a larger…
Douglas Oliver (1937-2000) was a British poet known for his international conscience with a substantial reputation in the late 1980s and 1990s, finding a larger audience for his socially-committed poetry. The following poem, A Woman in Ethiopia appeared in the…
አርትዩር ረምቦ በፈዛዛ ወንዞች ላይ ወደታች ስናኝየመርከብ ሳቢዎቹ አመራር እንዳቋረጠ ተሰማኝጫጫተኞቹ ቀይ ሕንዶች የለበሱትን ገፈውከቀለም ቅብ ግንድ ላይ እንደ ኢላማ አስደግፈውአንድ ባንድ ለቀሟቸው። የቤልጅክ ስንዴ የእንግሊዝ ጥጥ የተጫኑ መርከቦችሲጓዙ በአጠገቤ ሁሉንም አየኃቸው በቸልታየሳቢዎቹ ጭብጨባ አክትሞ ሲበርድ የቀያዮቹ ዋካታጅረቶቹ አወረዱኝ ወደምፈልገው…
A poem by Chris Beckett Chris Beckett grew up in Ethiopia in the 1960s. His translation of poems by Bewketu Seyoum, In Search of Fat, was published by Flipped Eye in 2012 and his second collection of poems, Ethiopia Boy, came…
ታሪኳ ጌታቸው እነዛ ቀደምቶች በላባቸው የሚያድሩ፣ ይታደሱ ነበር በህብረት ሲዘምሩ። መጣር፣ መጋር ሲያርድ፣ ሲተሳሰር ጉልበት፣ ማንጎራጎር ነው ደግ፤ ያነቃል ከድክመት፤ አዝማሪም ዘማች ነው፣ ሲገባ ጦርነት። ተማሪውም ሲጓዝ እፍኝ ቆሎ ቋጥሮ፣ እየዘገነ ነው ከግጥም ማሰሮ። ያለአልቃሹ እንባ አይወርድም ኃዘኑ፣ አይፈርስም ድንኳኑ።…
In the tradition of Eastern and Western patriotic and pastoral poets (Elisheva Bikhovski, Darwish, Frost, Bejan Matur, Tagore, and Tennyson) poet-playwright Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin’s seminal work እሳት ወይ አበባ Esat woy Ababa Blaze or Bloom (2007) is replete with references to…