Category: Politics

What happened in Mota?

Four mosques were attacked in the Amhara region of East Gojam Zone, Mota town on Friday evening. Hotels and other commercial institutions owned by Muslims were vandalized or set to fire, according to the Amhara Region Muslim Affaires President,  Sheik…
Anger and shock in Robe in the aftermath of violence

Polarized residents crave unity amid violence, anger A deadly clash a month ago has put residents of the Bale Robe in a state of shock and bitterness. Fear and anxiety are still reigning in the city, Ethiopia Observer’s Zion K…
Ethnic Amharas targeted in killings in Oromia region

Four ethnic Amharas were killed and forty injured in Dodola district, west Arsi zone on Wednesday and Thursday, following unrest caused by tensions between security forces and influential journalist and activist Jawar Mohammed, local authorities and residents said. Though the…

The fate of the Ethiopian ruling party, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has been a subject of discussion. Established by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front in the late ’80s, the party, comprising of four ethnicity-based affiliates, has controlled…
TPLF denies involvement in Amhara region violence

Getachew Reda, a senior official of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) on Wednesday reinforced his support for the cause of Kimant people for self-administration after rejecting claims by the Amhara region officials that TPLF orchestrated violence this week. “The…