Category: Politics
‹‹የህዳሴ ግድቡ ግንባታ በወቅቱ ቦርድ ሰብሳቢ በነበሩት ዶክተር ደብረፂዮን ገብረሚካኤል አድራጊ ፈጣሪነት በፍጥነት ተዳክሞ ለከፍተኛ ኪሳራ ተዳርጓል›› ሲሉ የቀድሞው የውሃና ኢነርጂ ሚኒስትርና፤ በሩሲያ የኢትዮጵያ ልዩ መልዕክተኛና ባለ ሙሉ ስልጣን አምባሳደር አለማየሁ ተገኑ አስታወቁ፡፡አምባሳደር አለማየሁ ተገኑ በተለይ ከአዲስ ዘመን ጋዜጣ ጋር…
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed refuted the allegation that his government is weak and wavering. “What some are saying that our government is weak is flat-out wrong. There is a saying that only a father who does not spare a rod…
The Tigray region’s communication affairs bureau has rebuffed suggestions that the region has security forces that are operating along with the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)-Shene group in an armed struggle against the federal government in western Ethiopia. In a statement…
Demonstrations took place across several towns of the Tigray regional state The Tigray Communication Affairs Bureau denied reports of public protests Chairman of opposition party Arena Tigray, Abraha Desta said “unknown persons” tried to kidnap him in Mekele on Sunday…
The victim is being remembered by his friends as an outgoing person and father a three-year-old girl A police officer fatally shot a man who reportedly defied coronavirus regulations in Mekele town, capital of Tigray region, BBC Tigrinya reported. The…
An army pilot who deserted Djibouti has been turned away by Ethiopia while seeking asylum Djiboutian activists and exiled political figures have condemned Ethiopia’s forced return of an asylum seeker to Djibouti. The man, identified as Lieutenant Fouad Youssouf Ali,…
Amidst criticism of the decision to hold an election while the case of coronavirus is increasing in the region and in the country, Tigray’s leader Debretsion Gebremichael said the Tigray region will proceed with the election by taking all necessary…
A group of opposition parties, including the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), proposed the extension of the government’s executive body authority for a year, in light of the constitutional crisis over the cancellation of…
The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) is the foremost violator of the citizens’ rights, despite lip service to safeguard the country’s constitution, a former TPLF official said. In an interview with the state-owned Addis Zemen, Zadig Abraha, who is currently…
Minister of Labor and Social Affairs says it is part of an initiative to rehabilitate children, beggars The Ethiopian government has launched a massive clampdown on streets children and elderly beggars in the capital using coronavirus as an excuse, a…