Category: Life & Culture
መሪነት፣ የነገሮችን አካሄድና ፍጻሜ ከጅምሩ ለተለሙ ነው። መሪነት፣ ዐይናቸውን ከግባቸው ላይ ሳያነሡ በየእርከኑ ሁኔታን ለሚያቃኑ ነው። መሪነት፣ ምሥጋናን ለሚጋሩ ነው። መሪነት፣ ውርደት ውርደቱን ማንም እንደማይጋራቸው ለተገነዘቡ ነው። የመሪዎች አበሳ የሚጀምረው ዓላማቸውን ግልጽ ሳያደርጉ ሲቀር፣ ዓላማቸውን እንደየሁኔታው ደጋግመው ሳያጠሩ ሲቀር፣ ተቀናቃኞች…
ወደ አንድ መንደር መጣ። ከፊት ለፊቱ የሚታየውን ቤት ሄዶ አንኳኳ። ደጋግሞ አንኳኳ፤ የሰውም የውሻም ድምጽ አልተሰማም። አልከፈቱለትም። አለፍ ብሎ ሌላ ደጅ አንኳኳ። ማ ልበል? አሉ። ማ ልበል? ብለው ወሬአቸውን ቀጠሉ እንጂ ተነሥተው አልከፈቱለትም። ወረድ ብሎ አንኳኳ። ሲከፍቱለት ተገትሮ ቆሟል። ቊመናውን…
ከእለታት አንድ ቀን የአካል ክፍሎች አደሙ፤ በሆድ ላይ አደሙ። እኛ በደከምንበት ምንም ሳይሠራ ሆድ ለምን ቊጭ ብሎ ይበላል ብለው አደሙ፤ ዝግ ስብሰባ ጠሩ። እጅ ተናገረ፦ ያረስኩ እኔ፣ ያረምኩ እኔ፣ የወቃሁ እኔ፣ ያበሰልኩ እኔ … ዐይን አቋረጠውና በምንህ አይተህ? አለ። መብሰሉን…
በ 40ዎቹ ና በ 50ዎቹ ዘመናዊ ሙዚቃ፣ ፉሽን ና የምሽት ህይወት አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ በተለይ አራዳ አካባቢ ሲያብብ፥ ከዚያ ጋር ተያይዞ ስማቸው በዋናነት ይጠቀሱ ከነበሩት መካከል ሜሪ አርምዴ አንዷ ነበረች። በወቅቱ የገነነ ስም ቢኖራትም፥ ስለእርሷ የተፃፉ ብዙ መረጃ ማግኘት አዳጋች…
Over the last three decades, South African photographer Guy Tillim, 56, has borne witness to the dramatic change in African metropolises. While working as a photographer for Reuters and Agence France Press, he has often been at the right place…
The Ethiopian photographer Maheder Haileselassie’s recent work, Birth, features mothers in labour, delivery and newly born babies taken at Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College in Addis Ababa. “Spending a week in total in the delivery ward, I tried to…
Country Roads (growing up, exposures, decisions, and reflections) By Aklillu Kidanu Wolde Giorgis 283pp, Self-published …Odysseus sighting his island after years of wandering; the return, the return, the great magic of the return. -Milan Kundera, Ignorance Aklilu Kidanu’s “Country Roads”…
Memories of Asnakech Worku by Hailu Mergia The legendary singer Asnaketch Worku’s self-titled album, “Asnakech”, which was released back in 1975, has been remastered and reissued by Awesome Tapes From Africa and will see the light of the day on…
The General Wingate Secondary School, a prestigious high school (now a technical and vocational school) was named after British Field Commander, Colonel Ordre Wingate. The school, located in Kolfe- Keranyo district of Addis Ababa, represented a beacon of tradition and…
At 75, the singer talks about his feelings for music and his path to becoming one of country’s greatest music entertainers Newly arrived to the capital, fresh from three years at Gondar Public Health College, Bahta Gebrehiwot in his young…