Transportation disruptions in Amhara leave residents stranded

Transportation disruptions in Amhara leave residents stranded

Since last Thursday, public transportation services across most areas of the Amhara region have been disrupted, causing widespread difficulties for residents. The interruption in transit has severely impacted the public, with witnesses and residents reporting that those needing medical care have been completely cut off from essential treatment.

A resident of Denbecha town in the West Gojjam Zone told DW Amharic that since last Thursday, all transportation has been shut down, bringing activities in the area to a halt. As a result, the polio vaccination campaign launched this week has not been implemented. According to the resident, road closures have prevented the district from sending experts to the town to conduct training on the polio vaccination, delaying the rollout of the campaign in the area.

A resident of Metema Yohannes in West Gondar reported that despite some activity in the area, travel to Gondar and other distant locations remains completely impossible. He noted that the ongoing conflict between the Fano armed group and Ethiopian government security forces has severely restricted access to Galabat, a crucial Sudanese border town known for its vital trade links.

In the North Shewa zone, a resident of Ataye stated that while there are some three-wheeled vehicles operating within the town, there are no vehicles traveling to Addis Ababa or Dessie.

In Gondar town, while some transportation services continue to operate in certain areas, residents report that public transport to Bahir Dar and other destinations is severely limited, according to DW. This lack of access is exacerbating challenges for the community and hindering their ability to obtain essential goods and services, as noted by the radio.

Ethiopian federal forces have been deployed in large numbers in the Amhara region over the past fortnight, where an armed insurgency has persisted for over a year.

The Fano, a long-standing “self-defence” militia for the Amhara ethnic group took up arms against the federal government in April 2023 after it tried to disarm regional forces. “Over the past two weeks, there have been numerous reinforcements (of the federal army) and many arrests of officials suspected of collusion with the Fano,” a security source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP.

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2 thoughts on “Transportation disruptions in Amhara leave residents stranded

  1. Listen up y’all! Extra! Extra! Read all about it!!!
    I just returned from Al-Qahirah after meeting with Al-Rees el-Sisi. Our meeting took 2 weeks and the main topic on our agenda was the country we both hate with passion: Ethiopia and the GERD dam it is building on the property of Egypt. We looked through a report prepared by the world famous Egyptian geologists. Their study had focused on the ground where those niggers(abids) from Ethiopia have been building the largest dam in Africa. The experts from Egypt have discovered that the dam is built on location surrounded by very active fault line. An earthquake stringer that 7.0 on the Richter scale is over due and can strike at anytime now. If that happens, the dam will unleash the more than 90 trillion cubic of water it is now holding in the reservoir behind the dam. That lightening fast and more than 35ft wall of flood will kill more than 35 millions Sudanese and 45 million Egyptians. It will also stop the White Nile in its tracks and that back up will flood half of South Sudan million more than 15 million people there. More than 5 million Ugandans will lose their lives due to flooding from backup of the White Nile. So my dear brother el-Sisi and I come up with a plan that will grab away the entire area where the dam is located and transfer it to a management experts team entirely manned by Egyptians. I will be leading the raid force created by el-Sisi and I just for this purpose. So if you don’t hear from me during the coming one week, that is because I am busy kicking some ass of the Tutsi Jula’s and the Filipino Abiy’s army. Also, el-Sisi and I agreed not to share our plan with Brother Isaias because he has always been suspicious of Egypt’s motives, Right after I liberated the GERD dam area, I will then liberate Ogaden and hand it over to Af-Mishaar and Sheikh Mohamud. See how el-Sisi and I make it too easy? Am I genius or what?!

  2. Fanos claim one victory after another almost daily in and lately even outside Amhara region and that has been going on for almost 3 years. On the other hand the government has been declaring victory over Fano fighters for years and telling everyone that Fano would be wiped out before the end of every year since 2022. So, who would you believe? If I was a referee in this ‘boxing’ bout, I would stop the fight after Fano is knocked down 3 times and I could have stopped the fight after the government forces knocked down 3 times and after the tenth count! Ten count and you’re out!!!

    But there is one reality I, very sadly, believe. The youth in that country is being used as cannon fodder by bigots, connivers and despots in their demonic scheme what ever it may. I can hear their mothers wailing and that leaves my heart aching. I can see their fathers seething with anger noting their sons are being rushed into awaiting inferno for much ado about nothing and I share their raging anger. But what can they do? But what peace mongers like me can do about it when bigots, connivers and despots are having their heydays? All I can do is fall down on my high mileage knees and pray for divine intervention. The youth, the future of that country, is being slaughtered on daily basis. Woe, woe, woe!!!


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