Abiy Ahmed’s Prosperity Party accused of diverting public resources for political training

Abiy Ahmed’s Prosperity Party accused of diverting public resources for political training

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s Prosperity Party has been accused of misappropriating state funds for the training of its cadres and leaders. The opposition party, Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (EZEMA), alleges that the ruling party has diverted public resources for political purposes, sparking concerns over the misuse of government finances to strengthen its influence and consolidate power.

The second round of training sessions for senior and middle leaders of the Prosperity Party, attended by 2,000 participants, was launched in Adama by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Saturday. In a statement on Monday, EZEMA accused the ruling party of misappropriating public funds to finance the training event, citing a pattern of repeated mistakes and political complacency.

EZEMA has called on the Office of the Federal Auditor General and the Ethiopian Institution of the Ombudsman to investigate the matter. The Prosperity Party has not yet responded to the allegations.

Founded in 2019, a year after Abiy Ahmed came to power, EZEMA holds four seats in the lower house of parliament. This house is dominated by Abiy’s Prosperity Party, which was established following the dissolution of the EPRDF.

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One thought on “Abiy Ahmed’s Prosperity Party accused of diverting public resources for political training

  1. Abiy is irresponsible and a danger to the nation. His mistakes in every area of the nation’s life is causing unending trouble. He acts like animal when confronted with his low-grade ideas. He had once bluntly told MPs they have no business asking where he got the money to build his vanity palace. If Ezema pressed the present allegation the next thing Abiy will do is put some members of Ezema in jail or get his cadres dig up some dirt on Ezema leaders. We’ve got to remember also that the Auditor General or the court system is stacked with Abiy loyalists.


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