Getachew Reda warns faction might try to take over power

Getachew Reda warns faction might try to take over power

TPLF Vice Chairman and President of Tigray’s Interim Administration, Getachew Reda, warned that the faction led by the party’s chairman, Debretsion Gebremichael might try to take over the authority of the interim administration.

Speaking on the Tigray-affiliated broadcaster Dimtsi Weyane, he warned that the ongoing TPLF conference, which is not recognized by the National Electoral Board, could plunge the region into chaos. He added that the leaders in charge of the conference might be plotting to take control of the interim administration.

During a conference that began on Tuesday, drastic decisions were made, including the removal of 17 Central Committee members, including Getachew Reda.

Getachew said that four TPLF leaders decided to organize the congress, brazenly claiming, “There is an external force that helps and supports us.” He did not specify who these external forces are.

Hours before Getachew’s press conference, the TPLF leaders announced that they had purged Central Committee members who chose to boycott the congress.

Getachew criticized the congress for not adhering to due process, lacking approval from the National Electoral Board, and failing to consider the current situation of the Tigray people.

Getachew said that he allowed the conference to proceed in order to avoid an unwanted confrontation, even though it had no legal basis.

The congress was convened on the whims of certain Central Committee members, with the goal of reinstating leaders who were responsible for exposing Tigray to grave peril, Getachew claimed.

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One thought on “Getachew Reda warns faction might try to take over power

  1. There is no need to plot to takeover power from so-called Interim Administration. IA never had power to begin with. The plan from start was for Tplf to double its share nationally because it is a minority by default. Remember Tplf + 3 ethnic parties Tplf unilaterally put together in the early 90s? It was meant to favor Tplf. Tplf as ruling party and Tplf as regional party, with pride of place. In the new fiction of Tplf taking over from IA, all we need to ask is this, Who has the weapons and millions of dollar notes stashed away mainly through money laundering, human trafficking, and drug selling? Tplf, of course. In other words, IA and Tplf proper are one and the same. Americans are well aware of this. Why should they not know, as they are behind the criminal fascist group?

    Abiy is a child in toy store bending like a reed to every breath of his American handlers so long as he gets to keep and play with the toys!

    Abiy created a chaotic situation, mobilized the public in pursuit of “juntas” and quickly acceeded to American demand to release Tplf leaders, reinstating property and tens of millions they had looted! Can you imagine the kind of savagery we endured? And the sort Americans stand behind AGAINST THE WILL OF ETHIOPIAN PEOPLE? Next phase will be another mayhem and once again a lecture on human rights, democracy, and rule of law from America (whether led by Republicans or Democrats makes no difference) and their European poodle (you know who I mean).

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