Anger in Chagni after fatal shooting two young men

Anger in Chagni after fatal shooting two young men

Anger erupted in Chagni town, located in the Agew Awi Zone of the Amhara Region, following the shooting of two young men during a traffic stop. The regional government has arrested six suspects, including a kebele administrator.

The victims, Meseret Haymanot and Minale Wale, were well-respected businesspersons, were shot and killed by government security forces, sparking outrage among the town’s residents.

Residents told Deutsche Welle Amharic that the two were known for their hard work and had no political ties. Through their efforts, they managed to buy excavators and loaders and started a business renting them. A witness said they were shot and killed by security forces while heading home that evening. An elder brother of the victim said that his brother and his friend were killed while traveling on a rickshaw.

The peace and security head of Chagni town, Bekele Mekuria, did not directly blame the security forces but suggested that the killing might have resulted from hastiness and a careless act. “Security forces from the area, including the keble administrator, who were on night duty, noticed a rickshaw parking. When it started to move, they ordered the driver to stop. When he failed to comply, they opened fire on him”, he said. “The investigation is ongoing, and the real culprit will be disclosed to the public in the future,” Bekele added.

Five security personnel, including the Kebele administrator on duty that night, have reportedly been arrested and are under investigation.

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