TPLF announces the removal of regional president Getachew Reda

TPLF announces the removal of regional president Getachew Reda
  • Tigray’s security forces issue stern warning against anarchy and security threats

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), led by Debretsion Gebremichael, has announced the removal of Tigray’s regional interim president, Getachew Reda, along with four other members of the interim administration. Those removed include Beyene Mekru, former leader of the Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigray; Kindeya Gebrehiwot, President of Mekelle University; Hagos Godefay, former head of Tigray’s health bureau; and Almaz Gebre Tsadik, head of the Development and Construction bureau. In a statement issued on Monday, the TPLF noted that discussions are underway with the federal government regarding the selection of a new leader for the interim administration.

The Tigray Interim Administration, led by Getachew, stated that it would begin taking measures against what it termed “destructive forces.” “By strengthening efforts to ensure rules and discipline, we will implement measures that consider public concerns,” it said in a statement published in the evening. The administration asserted that Debretsion’s faction’s announcement unequivocally revealed a coup and that the group had chosen an illegal path. “We want to make it clear to the entire public that this group and its leadership are solely responsible for any damage incurred during this process,” it added.

Tigray’s security forces have issued a stern statement declaring that they will not tolerate anarchy or trouble. They highlighted that the ongoing controversy is causing significant alarm within the community, emphasizing their zero tolerance for disorder. “If these situations persist, we will not stand idly by,” they warned both sides.

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