Gurage zone security deteriorates amid unresolved border disputes

Gurage zone security deteriorates amid unresolved border disputes

Due to border encroachment and unresolved disputes over administrative boundaries, the security situation in the Gurage Zone of central Ethiopia has deteriorated beyond the capacity of local forces, leaving most areas under federal control, according to an opposition political party. In a statement released on Thursday, September 5, Gogot for Gurage Unity and Justice party called for urgent action to address the escalating crisis in the zone.

The party also noted that the situation in Enseno and surrounding areas has been neglected for over five years, leading to the continued loss of innocent lives. Instead of prioritizing referendums or genuine public dialogue, the government has relied on traditional reconciliation mechanisms to impose the interests of a single group, it added.

In January 2022, a reconciliation ceremony was held between elders from the Meskan Bete-Gurage and Mareko ethnic groups to address the security crisis in the Gurage Zone over the ownership of nine kebeles. However, in the aftermath of this so-called reconciliation, many people lost their lives, were injured, and had their property destroyed, according to the Gogot party. From March 30 to September 1, 2024, 44 people—32 men and 12 women, including children—were killed, over 6,000 were displaced, and 36 were detained, according to the party.

The UN humanitarian agency OCHA reported on September 4 that recent violence involving members of the two ethnic groups began in June 2024 and intensified in August. The agency recorded five significant incidents: two armed clashes between Mareko and Meskan ethnic militias and three attacks on Mareko ethnic members by Meskan militias. On June 12, 88 people were arrested in the Meskan Special Woreda on charges related to the conflict. Despite these actions, the violence has persisted.

Another area experiencing a surge of violence is Kosye, where unresolved border issues have caused a breakdown in local governance. Although Kosye is legally and historically part of the Gurage Zone, it has been under the control of external entities for the past five years, with these entities also collecting taxes, according to Gogot. The party did not specify which entities were involved.

The party added that the security situation in the Darge area has exceeded the capacity of the zone’s security forces, prompting the intervention of federal forces. “Normal agricultural and economic activities have been disrupted. Even though residents are armed to protect themselves, they are still being attacked in an organized manner,” it said.

According to the party’s statement, the situation in the Sodo woredas has overwhelmed the eastern zone’s security forces, necessitating daily protection for residents by federal soldiers. Despite local efforts to organize and maintain peace, they continue to suffer heavy casualties from repeated, organized attacks, it said. The statement also noted that kidnappings for ransom and extortion have become rampant, with over 2.9 million birr paid to secure the release of more than 16 kidnapped farmers, clerics, and other residents, including those from monasteries in the area.

The unresolved border demarcation issue in Wolkite Town, the capital of the Gurage Zone, poses a serious threat and could escalate into a larger conflict if not addressed promptly, the party warned. It also noted that border encroachment in the town is continuing at an alarming scale, alongside a rise in robberies, including incidents targeting the police barracks. Gogot claimed that this illegal activity is occurring in the newly formed special woreda, which has been separated from the Gurage Zone and has established unauthorized tax stations at the entrance of the town.

Gogot says that the Guraghe people living in the neighboring, newly formed Kebena Special Woreda have been deprived of their rights. “Although we support the formation of the woreda, it in no way justifies violating the rights of Gurage residents within the new administration,” it stated. The Guraghe people in the woreda are having their land taken, being excluded from governmental and public forums, and are being denied identity cards, land ownership licenses, and access to fertilizers, it added.

The security problems in the zone are largely due to cross-border attacks, with OLF Shane, Fano, and other extremist forces operating in the area, the party stated.

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2 thoughts on “Gurage zone security deteriorates amid unresolved border disputes

  1. ETHIOPIAN ETHNIC CONSTITUTION AND FEDERALISM MADE Ethiopian to sacrifices their lives , it ihas been a disgusting philosophy of 21 century Ethiopian politics
    Why do Ethiopian constitution and government allow Ethiopian tribes to demarcat their territories ?????? who is behind this Framework ?
    we have not yet learnt from Tigray and Amhara boundaries which became a time Bomb ??????

    Creating and demarcation of territories between or among tribes couldn’t be the highest format of democracy or Human right

    It is a shame!

  2. In Ethiopian system of government the Federation house is the highs powerfull government and structure .
    hence then ,it has been playing in to two swards. so that the government should investigate the authority mandate and who are behind the screen playing individuals


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