Getachew Reda’s counter-conference begins in Mekele

Getachew Reda’s counter-conference begins in Mekele

A counter-party conference with the overarching theme of “Rescuing the TPLF,” organized by Tigray People’s Liberation Front Vice Chairman and President of Tigray’s Interim Administration, Getachew Reda, kicked off in Mekele. Held at the city municipality, the conference seeks to “rescue the TPLF.”

About seventeen members of the TPLF’s Central Committee and Inspection Commission, who had boycotted the rival meeting led by Debretsion Gebremichael, are now participating in the meeting.

This conference is taking place while other TPLF leaders are holding a separate meeting in Martyr’s Hall, where they announced the expulsion of Central Committee members, including Getachew Reda, who had chosen to boycott the congress.

TPLF factions opposed to Getachew Reda have accused him of betrayal, claiming he’s been in bed with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, whom they see as the enemy.

Getachew Reda described the conference he called on Sunday as “timely and necessary” for restoring both the region’s situation and the party to its previous state.

He said, “Peace is what matters most for our people—there’s no alternative. It’s not right for anyone to wake up, stir up trouble, and declare war. If anyone wants to go to war with us, we’ll be ready.”

Sources indicate that there is no clear public agenda distinguishing the two sides; rather, the split is primarily fueled by a power struggle between personalities. The internal divide, which threatens Getachew Reda’s position, stems from the showdown between him and Alem Gebrewahed, head of the party’s office.

The confrontation, with one faction pitted against another, has intensified amid protest over Getachew’s appointment as interim president by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in March 2023, following the signing of the peace deal in Pretoria, South Africa, which has not been well received by everyone within the party.

Getachew, who won the TPLF Central Committee election by the skin of his teeth to become the head of the region, has been labeled by some in the party as “an enforcer of our enemies,” “an emissary of the central government,” and “a betrayer.”

Getachew has said multiple times that he’s been the target of a smear campaign by some party leaders, which has distracted him from his mission of addressing the return of displaced people and other pressing issues.

According to insiders who spoke to BBC Tigrigna, Getachew has struggled to consolidate his power by manipulating party procedures and attempting to undermine Alem Gebrewahed and his followers. However, unlike previous TPLF leaders, Getachew lacks a deep-rooted network and organizational backing, making it difficult for him to achieve his objectives, according to the same sources.

Another influential TPLF figure known for her vocal criticism of Getachew is Fetlework Gebregziabher, also referred to as Monjorino. She has longstanding issues with Beyene Mikru, a Getachew ally who also boycotted the recent TPLF congress. In a rush against time, Debretsion, along with Alem, Fetlework, and their allies, are working to purge Getachew and his supporters from the party.

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