The renowned Ethiopian artist Afewerk Tekle, who died at the age of 80 in April 10, 2012, had exhibited his art throughout Ethiopia and in numerous foreign countries. The artist, who was one of the first Ethiopian students to study…
Italian Cinematographer and director Mario Masini who was the cinematographer for Haile Gerima’s much-celebrated Teza died at the age of 84. His daughter Paolo Masini announced his death in a statement. The experimental cinematographer who died in Germany where he…
The first Amahric production of ‘Death of a Salesman’, a play written by one of America’s leading playwrights Arthur Miller (1915-2005) opened at the Ethiopian National Theatre Sunday, almost seventy years after the original American production. The play, the story…
Kebedech Tekleab is an Ethiopian painter, sculptor, and poet based in New York. She was born and raised in Addis Ababa and because of her militant student activities during the period of Derg, she was forced to flee her country in…
ውል አልነበረንም የፍቅር ቀጠሮቃልም አላኖርንም በወግ ተቀምሮ፤እኔ አንቺን እንዳላይአንቺ እኔን እንዳታይ አምባችን ተቃጽሮዕጣችን ተካሮ፤ቀለምሽ ከዐይኔ አሻራሽ ከጣቴ ባይጠፋ ተማትሮ(እትብት እምብርት ሁኖ እንዲኖር ደድሮ) ይኸው አካሄደን በድንገት ዘንድሮ። የገጽሽ ብርሃን ቢጠይም ፀዳሉ ድምፅሽ ቢቀጥንብኝ ቢሠልብኝ ቃሉወዘናሽ ቢማስን ዛሬ ያለውሉበእጆችሽ ጨበጠኝ ሐዘንሽ…
The flourishing Ethiopian movies have been tagged as poor quality, quickly produced, and lacking originality, and complexity. Despite the criticism from some viewers and professionals, there is no denying the enormous popularity of video films in the country and the…
The supreme body of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Holy Synod, has issued a strongly worded protest against Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who cast the recent tension in the Church as “an internal matter” and “an ordinary dispute and personal disagreement…
“ሬሳ ሲመጣ መንገድ ላይ እንዳትቆም” እያለች ዱሮ እናቴ ትከለክለኝ ስለነበር ለቀስተኞች ሲመጡ ባየሁ ቁጥር መንገድ ለቅቄ እሸሽ ነበር።በሰፈራችንም ሰው የሞተ እንደሆን ልጆች በዚያ አካባቢ ዝር እንዳንል እንከለከል ስለነበር የልቅሶ ትዕይንት ምን እንደሆን ብዙ ሳላውቅ አደግሁ። በቅርቡ ከአዲስ አበባ ውጪ ስሄድ…
You’re a miser, God, coveting what you give. You lend us beauty, but never long to live. Within your world we know death everywhere. but meet it as a stranger unaware. The lovely flower that September saw in hardly anytime…
US President Joe Biden nominated State Department diplomat Ervin Jose Massinga as ambassador to Ethiopia. A Foreign Service Minister Counselor and the State Department’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of African Affairs, Ervin Massinga served as the Acting…