“ሬሳ ሲመጣ መንገድ ላይ እንዳትቆም” እያለች ዱሮ እናቴ ትከለክለኝ ስለነበር ለቀስተኞች ሲመጡ ባየሁ ቁጥር መንገድ ለቅቄ እሸሽ ነበር።በሰፈራችንም ሰው የሞተ እንደሆን ልጆች በዚያ አካባቢ ዝር እንዳንል እንከለከል ስለነበር የልቅሶ ትዕይንት ምን እንደሆን ብዙ ሳላውቅ አደግሁ። በቅርቡ ከአዲስ አበባ ውጪ ስሄድ…
You’re a miser, God, coveting what you give. You lend us beauty, but never long to live. Within your world we know death everywhere. but meet it as a stranger unaware. The lovely flower that September saw in hardly anytime…
US President Joe Biden nominated State Department diplomat Ervin Jose Massinga as ambassador to Ethiopia. A Foreign Service Minister Counselor and the State Department’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of African Affairs, Ervin Massinga served as the Acting…