Tesfaye Gessesse, hailed as one of the important Ethiopian stage actors of his time, died on December 16, 2020. The performer was remembered for the great theatre roles staged during the pre and post-1974 revolution. Late in his career, he…
መስቀል እና ሠላጢን እንዴትና መቸ በማን እንደ ተጋጠሙ እቅጩን ማወቅ ያዳግታል። ሁለቱ የሚያበስሩት ፍልስፍና ግን የተድበሰበሰ ነገር የለውም። ወይ ሰላም ወይ ፀብ። ሰላም እና ፀብ። በሰላም ከመጣ አሳልመው፤ በፀብ ከመጣ ጎኑን ወግተህ ጣለው… ከጅምሩ የጠበኛና የጠርጣራ ሰው ሥራ ይመስላል፤ ጨርሶ…
Tesfaye Gessesse, the longtime acting teacher and artistic director of the Ethiopian National Theatre, has died. He was 84. Tesfaye died Wednesday at his Addis Ababa home of complications related to COVID-19, his family announced. He was instrumental in bringing…
The all-out conflict between the federal government and the Tigray regional state administration has given us an occasion to reflect on biases and blinkers that surface in the practice of journalism. The military campaign that started on 4 November after…
A senior official of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), Addisalem Balema appeared in court on Thursday a few days after being detained amid a month of conflict in the northern Tigray region. Addisalem Balema, who has served in a…
መሪነት፣ የነገሮችን አካሄድና ፍጻሜ ከጅምሩ ለተለሙ ነው። መሪነት፣ ዐይናቸውን ከግባቸው ላይ ሳያነሡ በየእርከኑ ሁኔታን ለሚያቃኑ ነው። መሪነት፣ ምሥጋናን ለሚጋሩ ነው። መሪነት፣ ውርደት ውርደቱን ማንም እንደማይጋራቸው ለተገነዘቡ ነው። የመሪዎች አበሳ የሚጀምረው ዓላማቸውን ግልጽ ሳያደርጉ ሲቀር፣ ዓላማቸውን እንደየሁኔታው ደጋግመው ሳያጠሩ ሲቀር፣ ተቀናቃኞች…
Al Shabab, an East African terrorist group affiliated with Al Qaeda, plotted to kill former President Barack Obama during a visit to Ethiopia in July 2015, according to a memoir by Susan E. Rice, who served as a national security…
Mickaël Bethe-Selassié, a painter and sculptor whose colorful portraits of whimsical statue-like sculptures in papier mâché brought him international renown, has died at the age of 69. The artist has exposed his works in some prestigious museums at the group…
The Ethiopian government has reiterated that it will not sit for dialogue with the outlawed Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). Ambassador Dina Mufti, spokesman for Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told reporters on Friday there was no room for dialogue…