House decides to establish an interim administration in Tigray Kirakir, a village town in Tsegedie Woreda of Central Gondar Zone of Amhara region, where fighting took place on Wednesday, appeared calm on Friday morning, residents told Deutsche Welle Amharic. On…
Fighting continues in southwestern Tigray- Debretsion

Debretsion Gebremichael, Tigray’s regional president, said there are clashes on the southwestern part of Tigray along with the Amhara region border. Speaking on Tigray region’s television Thursday morning two days after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered military operations there in…
To Uanna’s House – turn right at Arat Kilo

By Steven Uanna My Childhood in Addis Ababa 1958 – 1961 The year was 1958. I was four years old and living outside of Washington DC in Springfield Forest, Virginia. That’s across Franconia Road from Robert E. Lee High School.…