TPLF says two members of of its central committee arrested in Addis Ababa The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has denied the governing party’s accusation that it was involved in last week’s murder of a popular protest singer – an…
Widespread violence in the past week in the Arsi zone of the Oromia region following the shooting death of a popular Oromo singer has claimed more than 30 persons, officials told VOA on Monday. People in the area told VOA…
Following the killing of a prominent singer and activist, Hachalu Hundessa, Oromia deputy police commissioner Girma Gelam, described the events of the past week as having “claimed the lives of up to 150 civilians.” Youths carrying sticks and metal rods…
After the assassination of the artist and activist Haacaaluu Hundeessaa, the situation the country finds itself in is a huge cause of concern. The chaos that has prevailed following this event has resulted in a number of innocent civilian fatalities,…
ሰውየው አጥብቆ የሚፈልጋትን የልብ ወዳጁን እሱ በፈለጋት ጊዜ ፈልጎም አያገኛትም፤ እሷ በፈለገችው ጊዜ ደግሞ ድንገት ከች ትላለች። በዚህ የተበሳጨው አፍቃሪ ታዲያ እንዲ ብሎ ገጠመ ይባላል፤ አንቺን ሲልሽ ሲልሽ ትመጫለሽ በእግርሽ፣ እኔን ሲለኝ ሲለኝ የትም አላገኝሽ።በአገሪቱ የሕግ የበላይነት ከጠፋ ከሁለት አመታት…
ኢስሃቅ እሸቱ ከአርቲስት እና ታጋይ ሃጫሉ ሁንዴሳ በግፍ መገደል በኋላ አገራችን ያለችበት ሁኔታ እጅግ ያሳስባል። ውጥረቱ እጅግ ያስፈራል። በዚህ መካከል በተፈጠረው ቁጣ እና ቀውስ እየሞቱ እና እየተገደሉ ያሉ ንጹሃን ሞት ከምንም በላይ ልብ ይሰብራል። እንዲህ ዓይነት ሕዝባዊ ቁጣ ሲቀሰቀስ መንግሥት…
Violent protests caused havoc across the capital, leaving parts of the city in shambles. The death of Haacaaluu Hundeessaa, a singer and political activist who was shot to death inside his car Monday evening in the Gelan area of Addis…
Violence in several towns has taken ethinc dimensions The death toll following protests over the death of a popular singer rose to 81, the Ethiopian government confirmed Wednesday. 81 people, including three members of the security forces, have been killed…
Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) said it was “concerned” by the arrest of its leaders, Bekele Gerba, Jawar Mohammed, and Hamza Borena who are said to be in Maekelawi detention center, an infamous prison that the government once said was closed.…
ከድምጻዊ ሃጫሉ ሁንዴሳ የቀበር አፈጻጸም ሁኔታና ከአንድ የጸጥታ አባል መገደል ጋር በተያያዘ ፖሊስ ከሌሎች ሰዎች ጋር አስሯቸዋል የተባሉት የኦሮሞ ፌደራሊስ ኮንግረስ (ኦፌኮ) አባላት ማዕከላዊ ውስጥ እንደሚገኝ ፓርቲያቸው ገለጸ። “የፓርቲያችን አባላት የሆኑት አቶ በቀለ ገርባ፣ አቶ ጃዋር መሐመድ እና አቶ ሐምዛ…