Demonstrators in the Amhara region defied the threat of a security clampdown on Friday and Saturday as they spilled onto the streets of several towns. Thousands have demonstrated, opposing the killings of innocent people at Timket festival in Woldia and…
Seven people have been killed in the northern town of Kobo after security forces fired on a crowd who were reportedly protesting Saturday’s killings in the nearby Woldia town, the Voice of America’s Amharic service reported. A ten-year-old boy and…
Ethiopian security forces killed seven people and wounded several others Saturday in the town of Woldia, 500km north of Addis Ababa along the main road to Mekele, according to various reports. Nigussu Tilahun, the head of the Amahra region’s communications…
Ethiopia’s pop star Tewodros Kassahun will perform his first concert in the lakeshore town Bahir Dar, the administrative capital of Amhara Region on Sunday. Teddy was granted permit to perform there, though several permit applications for concerts in Addis Ababa…
Ethiopia’s government is holding secret negotiations with the Ogaden National Liberation Front, an outlawed separatist group, Ethiopia Observer learnt. As the ruling party’s internal vulnerabilities has increased due to home grown protests, the regime has made the secret approach for…
Leader of the Ethiopia’s opposition party has been released along with 22 other political prisoners. Merera Gudina, the chair of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) walked free this morning, more than a week after Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn made the…
By Asafa Tafarra Dibaba so true, Truth is the daughter of time! tell me yours, I tell you mine, Jews or Philistines, the reason for your exile to ancient Kemet/Egypt or Aethiopia was it not to escape persecution?
Ethiopia’s prominent human rights organization, the Human Rights Council (HRCO) has urged the government to turn the rhetoric into tangible action in its commitment to upholding human rights, supporting democratic values. While welcoming the ruling coalition’s announcement to release political…
While Ethiopian Airlines began commercial operations in 1946 with American aircrews, the first four Ethiopian pilots commenced their training with the airline on May 23, 1951. Despite having no prior exposure to mechanical vehicles, these trainee pilots displayed outstanding performance,…
A prominent physician and educator, Professor Edemariam Tsega passed away on Jan 1, 2018, in Hamilton, Canada where he lived and served in the medical school of McMaster University for more than twenty three years. He was 80. “A light…